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Planning Board Minutes 12062018
    Chichester Planning Board
Minutes of Meeting
Thursday December 6, 2018

Members Present: Chairman Stan Brehm, Michael Williams, Richard Moore, Tom Houle, Richard Bouchard ex-officio, Ann Davis, Dr. Mara, DVM. and Kristy Barnouski Secretary.  

Others present: Jon Rokeh, Calgary Mackenzie, Leo Dumont, John Healy, David Morey, Allan Lavoie, Candice Lavoie, Karen Lesmerires, Marlene Hammond, Todd Hammond, Bob Mann, Ken Lambert Jon Taluba, Gary Bates, Kim Bates, and other members of the public.

 Mr. Brehm called the meeting to order at 6:30pm.

Dr. Mara will be a voting member for this meeting.

Public hearing- Subdivision
87 King Road, Map 3 Lot 87
Owner: Michael Hauge
Engineer: Jon Rokeh  

The applicant was not present.  Mr. Rokeh was present on behalf of the project. The Board reviewed the plan and went through the checklist.  The Board stated that the new lot being created should be 87-1 and house lot will remain lot 87.  The Board asked Mr. Rokeh to remove the current lot totals from the plan and separate out the lot with new totals to avoid confusion.   Other minor things that needed to be addressed include:
  • Label King Road on the plan.
  • Add wetland hatches to better delineate the wetlands.  
  • Compute wetland and upland totals.
  • Put septic and well on plan for both lots
  • Driveway permit
Dr. Mara made a motion and Ms. Davis seconded to find the application for subdivision complete.  Motion passes.
Mr. Williams made a motion and Dr. Mara seconded to find no regional impact. Motion passes.
Mr. Williams made a motion and Mr. Houle seconded to give a conditional approval for the subdivision of map 3 lot 87 pending the addition/corrections made to the plan.  Motion passes.

Public Hearing-Site Plan Review
46 Dover Road, Map 4 Lot 147
Owner: Calgary Mackenzie, CM Truck and Trailer, LLC.
Engineer: Jon Rokeh

Mr. Rokeh explained that as previously discussed in their conceptual presentation they would not be able to use Cross Road as an entrance/exit due to many factors but mainly wetland issues.  He stated that instead they will be using the Dover Road existing driveway and applying for driveway permit with D.O.T.
Ms. Davis made a motion and Mr. Williams seconded to find the application for Site Plan Review complete. Motion passes.
Dr. Mara made a motion and Mr. Williams seconded to find no regional impact. Motion passes.
The Board discussed with the applicant on whether he planned to pave or use a gravel surface for his trailer storage.  Mr. Mackenzie stated that he planned to use gravel for storage and he would be paving an apron off of Route 4 as well as an area for parking and 1 handicap spot.
The Board stated to the applicant that he would need to add his sign to the plan.  Mrs. Barnouski also stated to the applicant that he would need to apply for a building permit for his new sign and have it approved by the building inspector.  
Abutter: David Morey   
Mr. Morey stated that he was very worried about the safety of traffic entering and leaving that property due to its location on Dover Road.  He also asked about putting restrictions on how close Mr. Mackenzie could park his Trailers to the road.  The Board advised Mr. Morey that they were not able to put a restriction on where he parked the trailers, however he would not be able to park them in the State right of way.  They also informed him that D.O.T. would be reviewing the applicant’s driveway permit and could address safety concerns.  
Dr. Mara made a motion and Ms. Davis seconded for a conditional approval pending the additions/corrections made to the plan. Motion passes.  

Continued Conceptual Review-
Short Falls Road, Map 1 Lot 5-A
Owner: Karey Dumont
Developer: Leo Dumont
Engineer: Brown Engineering
Mr. Brehm began the review by stating that this meeting is that of a conceptual nature and is non-binding for both the applicant and the Chichester Planning Board.
Mr. Dumont came back before the Board to discuss his proposed 6 lot open space development with a separate 7th lot on Short Falls Road    .  Mr. Brehm stated that Mr. Monahan from CNHRPC has had the opportunity to review the plan along with consult the Town Attorney on a few matters.  A memo was provided by Mr. Monahan outlining some questions and concerns for the Board.  Some of the items he suggested being addressed were:  
  • How the number of units was derived (seeking calculation).
  • Creating a private road to be potentially taken over by the Town
  • Creating a Home Owners Association.
  • How the open space will be managed and proposed use.
  • If the applicant will have to seek a variance for removing road frontage from the open space area.
  • If the Board will require upgrades to Short Falls Road.
The Board discussed these issues and Mr. Brehm stated he would set up a meeting with the Town Attorney to discuss them in length.
Mr. Williams read a disclaimer to be entered into the minutes:  Jackson V. Ray, the Planning Board approval of a street does not constitute acceptance as a highway or guarantee that the Town will ever take over responsibility for the street.
The Board took a poll of whether or not they would like to see a new road be private or taken over by the Town.  
Private-Mr. Moore and Ms. Davis
Public-Mr. Houle
Not enough information yet- Mr. Brehm, Mr. Williams, Mr. Bouchard, Dr. Mara.
Mr. Lambert who is an abutter asked about what he does when his property is split into two pieces if a road runs through it.  Mr. Brehm stated that he will consult with the Town Attorney about this situation as well.  
The applicant will come back on January 3, 2019 to continue the conceptual review.
Rules of Procedure-
Mr. Williams made a motion and Dr. Mara seconded to adopt the revised Chichester Planning Board Rules of Procedure. Motion passes.